Why Is My Fridge Leaking Water? Common Causes and Fixes

Why Is My Fridge Leaking Water? Common Causes and Fixes

Finding a puddle of water on your kitchen floor can be frustrating, especially when it’s coming from your refrigerator, which can leak water for several reasons. If you’ve noticed your fridge leaking water inside or onto the floor, there could be several reasons why.

How to Clean a Smelly Sink Drain and Keep Your Ottawa Home Fresh

smelly sink drain ottawa

You walk into your kitchen or bathroom and are immediately greeted by an unpleasant smell. Is it the trash? No, that’s not it. Did the dog have an accident? No, not this time. Finally, you locate the source — the kitchen sink. You turn on the faucet and maybe even run the garbage disposal if you have one, but the odour doesn’t budge. It’s official: you have a stinky drain.

What to Do If Your Pipes Freeze

what to do when pipes freeze

As temperatures drop in Mississauga, frozen pipes become a frequent concern for homeowners. This common winter issue can disrupt daily routines and lead to costly repairs if left unresolved. To help you manage this chilly challenge, here’s a detailed guide tailored to Mississauga homeowners.

Futuristic Smart Plumbing Technology To Protect Your Home and Prevent Waste

Smart Home Plumbing

Futuristic Smart Home Plumbing Technology To Protect Your Home and Prevent Waste Learn What The Future Has In Store For Plumbing Protection and Waste Prevention First, there were buckets. Next, there were wells. Before long, there were clay pipes, lead pipes, and hollowed-out trees. Thousands of years later, in 1592, the first flushing toilet was […]

Close Your Outdoor Faucets, People! Or else, this will happen…

frozen outdoor faucet

Ottawa winters are some of the coldest out there! With temperatures often going lower than -20°C in January and February (or worse), it’s no wonder that so many Ottawa homeowners come home to frozen pipes, flooded basements, and water damage. If you’re not careful, this can happen to you, too!

Kanata Plumbing Company Experts from John the Plumber Explain Why Your Hot Shower Water May Not Be Flowing

kanata plumbing

When turning on the shower, nobody likes to find out that there is no hot water left. A lack of hot water can be attributed to a number of different factors. For example, if the water never heats up, this could simply mean that the water heater hasn’t been working long enough and needs a little time to warm up again. However, if the water turns cold unexpectedly, then your shower’s plumbing could be at fault.

Nepean: Ever Heard Of A Mixing Valve?

mixing valve nepean

Here at John THE Plumber we believe in safety first so we’ve decided to teach you a little bit about the plumbing valves that control this situation so you understand they weren’t designed primarily for your comfort and pleasure- it’s a matter of safety.

Kingston Showers With Cold Water: Signs Your Hot Water Mixing Valve Is Breaking

cold shower

Interestingly, two concerns we rhythmically receive during cold weather is that the water temperature or the water pressure of ones shower(s) has become inconsistent or unreliable. These are items that are noticed more when taking a hot shower simply feels more important, but in fact isn’t occurring because of cold weather; it’s happening because your hot water mixing valve has stopped working properly.

Hamilton & No Hot Shower Water: Hot Water Valves Gone Awry

hot water mixing valve

During the winter season we often hear the same complaints over and over, two of them being is that either the water temperature or the water pressure of ones shower has become inconsistent or unreliable. Inclement weather is often blamed for this and we’re here to tell you it has nothing to do with the cold, and everything to do with your hot water mixing valve not working properly.

Barrhaven & Thermostatic Mixing Valves – The Way to Go!

Thermostatic Mixing Valve

As we open this winter season, we have encountered many a homeowner that feels they keep running out of hot water quickly, but aren’t able to invest in a bigger water tank. This lead us to write this blog and explain you may well not require a bigger tank to receive the amount of hot water you want daily; all you have to do is install what is called a “Thermostatic Mixing Valve”.