Hamiltonhot water mixing valve

No Hot Shower Water?

It Might Be Your Hot Water Mixing Valve

Hello Hamilton! Hoping everyone is doing well as the deep freeze of winter sets in. During the winter season we often hear the same complaints over and over, two of them being is that either the water temperature or the water pressure of ones shower water has become inconsistent or unreliable. Inclement weather is often blamed for this and we’re here to tell you it has nothing to do with the cold, and everything to do with your hot water mixing valve not working properly.

John THE Plumber Hamilton very much understands the unpleasant experience of a cold or drippy shower, and we are pleased to share some tips on how to recognize if your hot water mixing valve may have stopped functioning properly. Below we are some determinates that will help you decide if your hot water mixing valve has in fact gone awry.

Your Showerhead Drips Warm Water

Turn your water off completely and wait a few minutes. If you note there is warm water dripping from your shower head, then there is a problem with your hot water mixing valve. Most likely the mixing valve ball has shifted and is no longer secured within the stem of the valve as it once was. Drips of water are now able to pass through; you do not want to delay replacing this valve, those drips can quickly add up to a lot where your pocket book is concerned!

shower water, hot water mixing valve

Your Hot Water Temperature Comes and Goes

Perhaps your water isn’t dripping, but when you do shower you notice the temperature doesn’t remain consistent. Older homes will come with older model hot water mixing valves that age over time and with usage. The result is they begin to fail in correctly controlling water temperature. More modern features can and should be implemented within your plumbing system in order to balance and maintain water temperature fluctuations. If your home is older and this situation resonates with you, call John THE Plumber and we’ll be happy to come take a look and discuss the plumbing upgrade options that are available to you.

hot water mixing valve

Your Water Pressure is Low

If the water pressure in your shower is lower than normal, and increasing the hot water doesn’t rectify the problem, you may have a clogged hot water mixing valve. If is possible to remove the mixing valve and simply clear out the clog, but we highly recommend that the valve be replaced at this point. Corrosion as well as damage from wear and time over time does occur with these valves; if you have developed a clog it is best that you install a new hot water mixing valve.

Water Pressure

You Have No Hot Water

Worse than low pressure in the shower is not hot water at all – an unpleasant experience we have all encountered at some point! If you have zero hot water but still have cold water coming out of the showerhead, most likely your hot water mixing valve has stopped working. Many call us assuming it’s to do with the water supply, but this is not the case. There is the possibility that your hot water heater has broken down, but more often than not your hot water mixing valve is the culprit.

If you have read this and it sounds familiar, give us a call at John THE Plumber Hamilton and we’ll be happy to send one of our licensed plumbers to you right away – your family will thank you for it!

Interested in Water Heater Rentals?

If you don’t have hot water in your shower, there’s always a possibility that your water heater might need some attention.

If you need a new water heater replacement but you’re not ready for the cost of a hot water heater, we can help!

John The Plumber recently launched our rent water heater department to help our customers get the water heaters they need at the monthly payments they can afford.

To discover more on the full range of Services offered by our Hamilton-based John the Plumber, please call our offices today at 905-645-0467 or visit our business website at johntheplumber.ca/hamilton

John the Plumber Hamilton – Fast , Friendly, Local Plumbing Service