Is Your Drain Backed Up?

Call John THE Plumber in Hamilton

If you’re taking the time to read this, chances are you are already having issues with your drain. Having your drain backed up can happen for all kinds of reasons and come in a variant of sizes if you will. From the wee clog that’s causing your bathroom sink to not drain so efficiently right up to the unthinkable… your sewer is backing up. Never Pretty.

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drain backed up

Sewer Backed Up?

A sewer backing up is pretty much the definition of a plumbing nightmare. What was sent away via the shower and especially the toilet matter nobody wants back under any circumstance.

The negative impact is fairly instant, between the stench and the mess ones’ home environment turns upside down fairly quickly.

Of course we will be there for you in a heartbeat, but we thought we’d list some facts and tips about drain clogs so you will be aware more quickly as to what is happening on your property.

Finding The Location Of Your Clog

If you note that your drain is backed up, but it only appears to be happening in one location such as your toilet or your kitchen sink drain or your tub drain, chances are the clog only exists in that one particular drain. However, if you note that all your drains are blocked and/or can visibly see that sewage is literally backing in your home, then we are sorry to say – you’ve got yourself a sewer drain backup.

Tips That Tell You That Your Sewer Has A Block

Your home reeks like an outhouse at a campground

Water has ceased from draining anywhere in your home

The Worst: Sewage water is literally flowing back up your drain

John THE Plumber Hamilton spends a lot of time sharing our knowledge. We feel that by providing all kinds on information, DIY lessons and various tips can help save you money, time and often huge headaches so we are always pleased to do so. Now, unfortunately if it’s a clog in your main sewer line you won’t be able to handle that on your own.

In this situation a lack of training and experience could easily land you into much more serious and expensive trouble. This type of thing is well beyond a do not delay situation; time is of the essence and our top of the line equipment and our amazing team of plumbers are who and what you will need to deal with this type of plumbing emergency.

Ready For Your Call

Have A Backed Up Sewer? Or Is Your Drain Backed Up?

Contact John The Plumber Today!

John THE Plumber Hamilton also comes with excellent office staff who are ready and waiting to take your call. They will take down every detail that they know we will need and will then promptly send as many our Hamilton plumbers required to get your situation under control ASAP.

We hire nothing but the best of plumbers around, and we will have your sewage lines restored and your drains running clear at a very fast pace. In this respect, we hope we never get a call from you, but if it should happen – we’re here!

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