Hamilton and Hydro Jetting

Hydro Jetting is a high powered water stream that is fed into your drain line; the pressured water pumps into your system and breaks up any blockages and build up in your pipes. It is a very quick and efficient tool and has proven to be highly effective in cleaning out grease, as well as any other general muck that may have built up inside the walls of your pipes.
Hamilton & No Hot Shower Water: Hot Water Valves Gone Awry

During the winter season we often hear the same complaints over and over, two of them being is that either the water temperature or the water pressure of ones shower has become inconsistent or unreliable. Inclement weather is often blamed for this and we’re here to tell you it has nothing to do with the cold, and everything to do with your hot water mixing valve not working properly.
Spring Thaw In Hamilton

It’s definitely a reality check come New Years; the ol’ grind is back on and you, like much of the population in your area are already fed up with the cold and cannot wait for the spring thaw to come.
How To Help Out John the Plumber Hamilton

As a small business in Hamilton, we rely on our extensive and diverse customer base, and we are constantly looking for ways to grow and expand. We often ask customers to write a Google Review for us, as this is one of the steadiest and most reliable ways for our plumbing company to gain new clientèle. An honest Google Review speaks volumes of our business, and we have hundreds of satisfied customers.
Hamilton and Heating Frozen Pipes

Hey Hamilton! It won’t be long before you look out your window and see a winter wonderland outside. As far as plumbing goes, one of the biggest plumbing issues homeowners may face over the winter season is frozen pipes.
Plunging Techniques Hamilton

Many people do take the good ol’ toilet plunger for granted, and go straight to buying over the counter chemicals. It’s understandable how many would think the chemical route is easier and cleaner, but actually using a plunger to unblock your drain is one of the most effective ways there is to get the job done.
Hamilton Home Plumbing

Larger plumbing issues should be left to the professionals however, there are a few things everyone should know how to look after themselves. The good folks at John the plumber Hamilton believe all residential homeowners should be aware about certain plumbing basics and felt we would share; knowledge such as this will enable you to react quickly and in many cases save you time and money.