HamiltonPlunging Techniques Hamilton

Proper Plunging Techniques

Many people do take the good ol’ toilet plunger for granted, and go straight to buying over the counter chemicals. It’s understandable how many would think the chemical route is easier and cleaner, but actually using a plunger to unblock your drain is one of the most effective ways there is to get the job done. The fact is a plunger is generally far more effective than any over the counter product you could buy to clean your drain. There are however, different techniques to plunging the various bathroom pieces, and our Hamilton plumbers are happy to share their knowledge on using a plunger effectively.

Toilet Technique

Try to keep the water level high enough that it keeps the plunger submerged. You then want to slowly press the air out of the plunger on your first push and do create a seal. Next, plunge vigorously to dislodge the blockage.

Sink Technique

Just like the toilet, start press slowly to start. Again, once you have your seal, plunge vigorously while keeping the water high enough to cover the plunger. If you’re plunging a double sink or a sink that has an overflow however, you’re going to need to block off the overflow (the second drain in the other sink) to be effective. If you don’t block off the overflow, the air will just go out of that second opening when you plunge, instead of pushing at the blockage. You can block the second opening by stuffing it with a wet cloth.

Bathtub Plunging Technique

Our plumbers in Hamilton recommend a similar approach to plunging a double sink, when plunging a bathtub. The overflow pipe on the bathtub is the opening that you will need to block off. Wet a face cloth and then try and cover the overflow pipe with your hand and the cloth, and hold it however you can so that it creates a good seal. Again, press the air through, and then plunge vigorously while keeping the water higher than the plunger until your tub drains.

Our Hamilton plumbers are glad to help out and offer this advice. If you’d like to know more about our services, or if you can’t get that drain fixed on your own with a plunger, then you may want us to come out and use some of our specialty tools to unblock your drain.

To discover more on the full range of Services offered by our Hamilton-based John the Plumber, please call our offices today at 905-645-0467 or visit our business website at johntheplumber.ca/hamilton

TIP: The “Overflow Drain” on a tub is the round disk in the center of the tub above the drain!