Hamiltonspring thaw hamilton

The Spring Thaw in Hamilton

Hey Hamilton- Happy New Year! We at John THE Plumber Hamilton hope you enjoyed a wonderful holiday with your nearest and dearest. It’s definitely a reality check come New Years; the ol’ grind is back on and you, like much of the population in your area are already fed up with the cold and cannot wait for the spring thaw in Hamilton to come. Cold, damp, harsh winters can drive people absolutely crazy.

Those first warming temperatures and the slightest sound of trickling water outside puts a smile on people’s faces as these things indicate the warmer season is slowly but surely arriving. Much as we love the arrival of spring as well, we at John THE Plumber knows the high incidence of calls we will receive due to the spring thaw in Hamilton, so we’ve shared some knowledge on problems that can arise and tips you can do to help circumvent situations.

Basement Flooding Prevention and Sump Pumps

If your home is located in an area that cannot handle the amount of spring runoff or your home itself is not equipped to manage it, you may well be in trouble. Moving snow away from the foundation of your Hamilton property is a great place to start. Take care that you shovel snow away from around your window wells and any areas of dipped elevation close to your home. The less chance that water has to get into your home, the better.

Your Sump Pump

Another very important thing that you can do is make sure that your sump pump is in optimal working condition. Ensure that you have a battery backup in place, especially if you are in an area where power outages occur frequently. If your sump pump is not operating at an optimal working level your basement will flood. Beyond having to go through a situation as trying as this water damage can prove to be very expensive. You are able to test your sump pump yourself but if you are unsure call John THE Plumber Hamilton and we can a qualified plumber to come and do it for you.

Frozen Pipes

Every once in a while, you may find a frozen pipe, and it will stay frozen as long as the deep freeze exists. Unfortunately in these situations you may well not even know that it has frozen until it thaws – and it bursts. There are definitely times the leak caused is no bigger than a pinhole and that can be repaired very easily. But other times the damage can be absolutely catastrophic!

Taking a good visual inspection throughout your house the minute you notice that the spring thaw has started is an excellent way to keep an eye and get ahead of anything that could lead to a serious issue as the temperature rises. Good places to begin inspection are the easy culprits: poorly insulated pipes along exterior walls and any pipes that lead to the garage or the garden hose outside.

To discover more on the full range of Services offered by our Hamilton-based John the Plumber, please call our offices today at 905-645-0467 or visit our business website at johntheplumber.ca/hamilton

John the Plumber Hamilton – Fast , Friendly, Local Plumbing Service