Why Plumbers Love Liberty Sump Pumps

liberty sump pump

Liberty Pumps has built a solid reputation in the plumbing industry as a top choice for both residential and commercial applications because of its durability, quality, and ease of use. Plumbers know that if they use Liberty Sump Pumps, there’s less chance of sump pump failures, which means less warranty or liability with insurance.

Basement Flood Prevention Mississauga

Comprehensive Guide to Basement Flood Prevention Mississauga

Comprehensive Guide to Basement Flood Prevention Mississauga: Tips from John The Plumber Basement flooding in Mississauga is a concern for many homeowners, particularly during seasons of heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt, and occasional sewer backups. These common causes can turn a normally dry basement into a source of stress and financial burden overnight. The geography and […]

How To Protect Your Home From Flooding

How To Protect Your Home From Flooding

How To Protect Your Home From Flooding It seems that the weather is becoming more and more unpredictable as of late. Between the tornados, the derechos, and the sudden torrential downpours we’ve been dealing with, it’s easy to understand why many of our clients have been scheduling plumbing appointments to discuss options to protect homes […]

The Importance of Sump Pumps in Preventing Basement Flooding

The Importance of Sump Pumps

As spring arrives and the winter snow begins to thaw, many homeowners face the risk of basement flooding, which can lead to costly damages and health hazards like mold growth. Sump pumps play a vital role in safeguarding your home from these issues by efficiently removing excess water from your basement.

Is Your Home Ready For Another Rainstorm?

backup sump pump

Is Your Home Ready For Another Rainstorm? Learn How A Backup Sump Pump Can Save You Thousands Of Dollars 2022 has been wild in Ottawa! The storm in May caused countless damage in the region. Many of us lost our trees, received tons of damage to our property, and lost power. Worse yet, countless homes […]

How To Test Your Sump Pump – Preparing For The Spring Melt

Prepare for the Spring Melt

During the spring melt, it’s common for Canadian homes to flood. Every year, countless homes will deal with water damage and pay thousands of dollars in damages and repairs. Many of these homeowners have sump pumps and feel safe, not realizing that they’re in for an unpleasant surprise. But if they have a sump pump, how do their homes flood?

Spring Thaw In Hamilton

spring thaw hamilton

It’s definitely a reality check come New Years; the ol’ grind is back on and you, like much of the population in your area are already fed up with the cold and cannot wait for the spring thaw to come.

Get Your Plumbing Ready For Spring Orleans!

spring plumbing issues

Although we are all very happy to feel the weather turn warmer, the spring thaw can call on a host of plumbing issues; we are pleased to share any knowledge we have and feel some tips we have provided below will help you get ahead of any upcoming troubles where your plumbing is concerned.

Spring Into Plumbing Oakville!

Spring Plumbing Oakville

Spring is probably the most welcome time of the year. Most of the snow is either melted or it’s getting close, the temperatures outside has started to warm up and the roads are no longer full of that salt and sand grit that mucks up your foyer all winter. Spring is a season known for cleaning and freshening one’s home; it’s also a good time to do look over of your house see if you have any plumbing issues that need to be cleaned up as well.

Kanata: Winterizing Your Pipes & Home Prevention

winterize your pipes

If you have never entered your home and discovered that your pipe has burst while you’ve been away, I’m sure you know someone who has had this awful experience. It’s a reality everyone in the Kanata area can face in the winter months if your pipes aren’t ready to handle the cold.