Since household drains are designed to flush away water and waste and also to prevent gases from the sewer from entering your home, it’s no surprise that sometimes they release bad odours. For serious odour problems in your Ottawa home, you may require drain cleaning services. For most occurrences however, there are some simple home remedies you can try.

Deodorizing your Garbage Disposal

Your garbage disposal grinds up food into particles that are easily flushed through your drain system. Sometimes, food particles can get stuck in the mechanism and cause terrible odours. One of the best ways to naturally deodorize your garbage disposal is to toss in some citrus peel and allow it to grind thoroughly and rinse through the system. The added bonus is the citrus will help remove grease from the disposal and leave behind a pleasant scent.

Freshen any Sink Drain

To freshen up any sink drain, there is no need to invest in expensive cleaners that may cause damage to your pipes. Simply pour one cup of baking soda into the drain you wish to deodorize and allow it to sit for about half an hour. Boil a kettle of water and at the end of the half hour, slowly pour the water down the drain to flush away the baking soda. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and combined with the boiling water, will also help clean attached pipes.

Prevent Bad Odours

While the above methods will help remove odours that come from your drains, you can try to prevent odours from forming with a bit of extra care when using your sink or shower. Hair is a major cause of odour problems as it builds up in the drain and traps other particles. Using a strainer over the drains where you wash your hair will prevent this from happening.

Foods that are caught in your drain system are another source of bad odours. Scraping food items thoroughly from your dishes before washing them can help eliminate these odours. Also, be sure to flush your drains with ample water to ensure no food particles remain near the drain opening.

For particularly bad odour problems or if you have slow drains that are contributing to the problem, contact John the Plumber for expert drain cleaning services in Ottawa.