What to Do If Your Pipes Freeze

what to do when pipes freeze

As temperatures drop in Mississauga, frozen pipes become a frequent concern for homeowners. This common winter issue can disrupt daily routines and lead to costly repairs if left unresolved. To help you manage this chilly challenge, here’s a detailed guide tailored to Mississauga homeowners.

Pipe Freezing Prevention in Orleans: What to Do?

pipes freezing

If you live in an area such as Orleans ON, you know we get some extreme temperatures in the winter. With these temperatures all residents run the risk of pipes freezing in their homes. As the water in your pipes freeze, it can expand by up to 10%; this expansion can cause your pipes to split or possibly even burst.

Plumbing Maintenance: Summer Shut Down & Fall Checklist

plumbing maintenance

Fall 2019 has arrived right on time in Ottawa this year; change is in the air! This season gives everyone time to complete all the necessary preparations needed for the upcoming winter months, including shutting down your outdoor faucets and inspecting your home for plumbing maintenance.