How To Protect Your Home From Flooding

How To Protect Your Home From Flooding

How To Protect Your Home From Flooding It seems that the weather is becoming more and more unpredictable as of late. Between the tornados, the derechos, and the sudden torrential downpours we’ve been dealing with, it’s easy to understand why many of our clients have been scheduling plumbing appointments to discuss options to protect homes […]

Futuristic Smart Plumbing Technology To Protect Your Home and Prevent Waste

Smart Home Plumbing

Futuristic Smart Home Plumbing Technology To Protect Your Home and Prevent Waste Learn What The Future Has In Store For Plumbing Protection and Waste Prevention First, there were buckets. Next, there were wells. Before long, there were clay pipes, lead pipes, and hollowed-out trees. Thousands of years later, in 1592, the first flushing toilet was […]

John The Plumber Etobicoke

John The Plumber Etobicoke

We at John The Plumber want you to make as informed a decision as possible, so we have chosen to provide some information about Our Company here on our own site to aid all you folks in Etobicoke in making the best decision possible where your plumbing needs are concerned.