Ottawa Plumbing Careers

Plumbers In Ottawa

Proudly from Ottawa, John The Plumber is a plumbing service provider that has made a name for himself throughout the region and beyond. We’re a growing company with many opportunities, and we’re looking for the best talent we can find. 

We know that in order to attract top talent, we must create a happy and prosperous work environment. Job satisfaction is the key to success. 

If you have a great attitude, you’re good at what you do, and you’re capable of satisfying customers, then you’re the kind of talent we want.  

John The Plumber can help you elevate your life, put money in the bank, and keep you busy with satisfying work.

Current Positions For Hire

But everybody’s looking for talent, so why should you choose us?

Why you want employment with John The Plumber

Do you have what it takes?

As we said, John The Plumber is an excellent plumbing company. We’re proud to be the plumbing service provider Ottawa counts on and trusts. But we have a reputation to protect, and our staff play an essential role in protecting it.

We’re Looking For:

If you have each of these qualities and want to work in the plumbing industry, fire out your resume!

$2,500 Signing Bonus After Completing Probation

At John The Plumber, we are serious about finding talent. We want good guys who want to do good work for good pay. So, to sweeten the deal we’re offering $2,500 signing bonus. If you give us 3 months and complete your probation, you’ll automatically receive a $2,500 bonus.

Better yet, we know that “like attracts like” so we know that we probably want to hire plumbers you’re associated with. If you refer someone who joins our team and successfully completes their 3-month probation, we’ll give you an additional bonus of $1,000.

We Serve All of Ottawa

John The Plumber services all of Ottawa. We’re also fortunate to have a lot of work and a big team, which means we have a greater ability to coordinate your travels efficiently. This is important to us because it gives us the ability to react fast and serve more customers, and it saves you from wasting more time on the road than is necessary.

The licensed plumbers on our team enjoy our fully equipped vans with gas and insurance coverage. Every dollar saved on gas, insurance, and wear and tear, is another dollar in your pocket! Best of all, there is peace of mind knowing that you are driving a safe and maintained vehicle.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. Remember that our plumbers represent the brand while driving the van!