Folks who live in cold climates like Oshawa will tell you that spring is probably the most favorite time of year. Most of the snow is finally melted, the temperatures outside warmed up and the roads are not full of salt and sand. Spring is a fantastic time to do a little look over of your house and having a look-see at your plumbing should be part of your spring cleaning list.
Check For Leaks
First things first check for any leaks. Winter can be absolutely brutal in Oshawa and your plumbing is absolutely not immune to winters ice and cold. Pipes may have frozen over the winter and you may not have known it until you turn them on in the spring. Get everything going and check for leaks visually where you can.
Air Conditioners and Hot Water Tanks
That air conditioner is going to be turned on soon. It’s always good to take a look at the unit, as well as the pipes running from it. Make sure there isn’t any ice buildup on there. Same goes for your hot water tank. There shouldn’t be any ice buildup on it either. It’s a good idea to make sure that there is no water leaking from it. Also make sure that the temperature is correct for your use.
Check Your Sump Pump
Oshawa is notorious for very fast thaws and you’re going to want to make sure that your sump pump is working well, and perhaps think about having it replaced before the thaw starts if you need to. If you’re in the area that loses power often, a battery backup is going to be your best friend. Sump pumps can also get overwhelmed at the amount of water they need to pump out. Faulty or damaged weeping tile can become a problem. Basements do tend to flood in the springtime. It’s always pretty good idea to go down there and make sure that there is no water damage happening.
Outside Pipes
It’s almost time to think about filling up that swimming pool or turning on the lawn sprinkler. You’re going to want to make sure that all the water lines heading out to your garden faucets have not sprung a leak! Hose bibs are common plumbing repair fixtures, and even the frost free ones can break down over time in our harsh Oshawa winters.