Oh no!! Nothing worse than being in a bathroom that is not in the privacy of your own house, and having blocked the toilet. Every once in awhile, your toilet blocks; if it has not already happened to you, it will – this is just a fact of life. The good folks at John the Plumber Oshawa get dozens of calls every month for blocked toilets, and sometimes people are in a real panic! There is nothing more embarrassing than being at your in-laws or a complete strangers have their toilet and not knowing what to do.
Here are some tips and tricks so you are not left embarrassed in the future.
First things first, Turn off the water supply to the toilet to prevent flooding – no sense in making a bad situation worse! Secondly, look for a plunger. Almost everybody in the town of Oshawa. There are different plungers that are better suited for different jobs – a toilet plunger and a sink plunger should not be interchanged for obvious health reasons. 9 times out of 10 this will take care of the job as long as it’s not too bad.
Some older houses in Oshawa have plumbing that is not as suitable or just less efficient than in newer homes. That being said, many newer homes have a lower flush or the often ineffective dual flush toilet system that is notoriously terrible at doing its job – eliminating waste! Old school water wasting options in older bathrooms dom often work well, but are terribly expensive to use and waste precious amounts of water, something you do not want to do! Both can cause you problems if the toilets are old and the flush mechanism is either not very strong anymore or just not working.
Another tip is boiling hot water
If you can somehow sneak out and grab some hot water and pour it down there usually the hot water will disintegrate the blockage just enough to get it going again. Another tip – a good squirt of shampoo, dishwashing soap or similar; this can help break down the clog and get things going again. Bleach can also be useful. Wait about 20 minutes, read a few pages of the Oshawa local newspaper, turn the water supply on and try flushing again.
So there you go – a few tips to help you out and save you from any future embarrassment!