January Cheers to Frost Free Hose Bibs!

Happy New Year Ottawa! We at John THE Plumber hope you have all enjoyed a wonderful holiday with your loved ones, and are all warm and dry in your homes. We know we just gone done blogging tons on what to do to get ready for this frosty season that is in progress, but those of us in industries such as plumbing need to stay ahead of the game. So although we’re all up to our rears in snow, we need to start speaking to you now about SPRING!

Spring Will Arrive Soon Enough

Of course spring is definitely not around the corner here in the Nation’s Capital, we have a ways to go! It is however going to eventually arrive. Time does fly and sooner than we all feel at this moment, the snow will begin to melt away, the lawn will begin to show again and little buds everywhere will start to poke up out of the ground. It won’t take too much heat at that point to make you start dreaming about getting outside to wash your car, turning your sprinkler on to water the plants, and preparing to fill your pool up. We all have the dream, and we are hoping that you read our fall blogs on winterizing your plumbing system so you knew frost free hose bibs were the way to go to prevent pipes from cracking or flat out bursting come the spring.

Shut It Off

It is essential, a necessity that the valve leading to your outside water taps is shut off before the cold sets in, and that your system is winterized correctly to ensure there was no water remaining in the line. As water freezes it expands; if water was left within those lines it may well have frozen, expanded and cracked your pipe! Beyond this obvious issue you may not notice for a good while as subzero weather will keep the damage hidden, but as the spring thaw comes to be so will the surprise of bursting pipes.

Invest in Frost Free Hose Bibs

This situation is one of if not the most common panicked calls John the Plumber receives in the spring time and for good reason – the damage can be costly. If you did not invest in frost free hose bibs pre winter season, go down into your basement and make sure water isn’t already pouring out of anywhere BEFORE you turn the pipes on for the first time – believe us when we tell you that you will know right away if there is a burst pipe or not!

Even if you don’t incur flooding come the spring, give us friendly folk at John THE Plumber a call and we’ll be happy to install frost free hose bibs so you don’t have to worry about this problem again in the future.

In the meantime, happy shovelling! Just keep warm…spring will arrive soon enough.

To discover more on the full range of services offered by our Ottawa-based John the Plumber, please call our offices today at 613-227-7465 or visit our business website at johntheplumber.ca