If you live in an area like Ottawa you know we get some extreme temperatures in the winter. With these temperatures you run the risk of pipes freezing in your home. If the water in your pipes does get a chance to freeze it can cause the water to expand by up to 10% and this pressure can cause your pipes to split or even burst. This can potentially cause sever water damage in your home. To prevent this from happening we have provided some helpful tips so you don’t run the risk of having frozen pipes in your home this winter.
How to Help Prevent Your Pipes From Freezing
Heating Cables or Insulated Pipes
For cold climates like Ottawa you should consider installing heating electric heating cables near your crawlspace pipes so you’re sure that the pipes won’t freeze when the temperatures get really bad. Also you can install insulation on the pipes, sort of like a winter jacket for the pipes in your home so they don’t freeze when the temperatures drop.
Extra Insulation in Your Home
Consider adding some extra insulation to your basement or where your pipes are located. Keeping the area a bit warmer can help when the winter weather hits hard. This can include you garage, basement and near outdoor taps. This will make it so the water is less likely to freeze.
Turning Things Off That You Don’t Use In The Winter
It’s a good idea to take a look at certain appliances and faucets around your home that you won’t be using everyday over the winter. For example, you’re going to be away for a few days or more, then you’ll want to consider turning off your main water supply while you’re gone to prevent damage while you’re away. Also be sure to disconnect any outside hoses before the weather gets too cold. The hoses can freeze too and cause damage to the connecting pipes inside your home.
Keeping Things Warm
Most plumbing in your home is in a place most can’t see, which also means the heat can’t get to it either. Pipes under your sink in the kitchen and bathroom can get cold. So try to open the cabinet doors every once in a while to let the heat reach the pipes.To discover more on the full range of services offered by our Ottawa-based John the Plumber, please call our offices today at 613-227-7465 or visit our business website at johntheplumber.ca
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