The last two days of warm weather have made many of us start to think about one thing…SPRING!

Well, spring might not be right around the corner when it’s still mid February in Ontario, but it is eventually coming – soon all that snow is going to start melting, the grass will start to get green again and those little buds will start shooting out of the ground. Next thing you’ll start thinking about washing the car, putting the sprinkler on and watering those plants, and filling up those pools– but there is one thing that you need to be careful about, and that is your frost free hose bib.

Hopefully last fall you read one of our extremely helpful blogs about the necessity of shutting off the valve going to your outside water taps and winterizing the system correctly to ensure there was no water remaining in the line. Unfortunately, things happen as they sometimes do and any water that may have remained in those lines may have frozen and expanded and cracked the pipe.

When it stays subzero for long periods of time you may not notice anything amiss, but as the spring thaw comes, burst pipes follow. It has to be our most common call to John the Plumber in the spring time and for good reason – even after all our best precautions the pipe still cracks. When you go to turn them on for the first time, the best thing you can do is go into the basement and make sure there’s no water pouring out of anywhere – trust us, you will know right away if there is a burst or not.

Call the friendly folks at John The Plumber and we can replace those hose bibs for you – preferably with a frost free hose bib to avoid these problems in the future.

For now, happy shovelling! And don’t worry…spring is will get here eventually.

To discover more on the full range of services offered by our Ottawa-based John the Plumber, please call our offices today at 613-227-7465 or visit our business website at

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