Frozen pipes can cause numerous problems for the average Canadian home, especially in Ottawa. When a pipe is frozen, the water in the pipe expands, cracking the structure and potentially leaking water throughout the exterior of the property. A frozen pipe can also block water from entering into the home through the main line, limiting drinking water, shower water, and water to be used by home toilet systems. To prevent these types of issues, homeowners must treat their external piping before winter time. In this blog, our Ottawa based plumbing experts will provide their guidance.

Insulation is critical

For those with large amount of outdoor piping throughout their property, insulation can help keep the area from being impacted by the cold temperatures. Homeowners can work with professional plumbing teams to analyze the available insulation options and ensure that their piping is protected for when the cooler temperatures arrive.

Shut Off Outdoor Hose Taps

When treating external piping areas, it’s important to shut off the outdoor hose taps. These taps can leak moisture during winter, potentially leading to ice forming inside the tap and within the exterior home space.

Drain Water from Swimming Pools and Water Sprinkler Supply Lines

Water sprinklers are a common area for freezing issues, and this means they must be drained according to the manufacturer, or installer’s instructions. Homeowners with swimming pools must also drain the supply line to the pool to ensure that all areas are clear of moisture for the cooler months.

Frozen pipes can be an expensive problem for homeowners to fix. To learn more on preventing this common challenge, speak with our Ottawa plumbing experts today at 613-227-7465.


John The Plumber

1541 Riverside Drive

Ottawa, Ontario

K1g 4E2
