BarrhavenBarrhave Beware

Barrhaven Beware:

Draino is NOT the answer!

It’s ironic really; Draino is a powerful product that was developed years and years ago and has proven to be effective, yet those who actually fix your drains will tell you not to touch it if they are worth their salt.

There are many businesses out there giving poor advice, but this plumbing company is not one of them. John The Plumber Barrhaven not only believes in providing quality service, but also in providing tips that can help you fix smaller issues on your own, saving you some of your hard earned money by recommending affordable home remedies for a clogged drain. Below explains why using Draino is not a good idea and what you can do instead.

Effects of Draino:

Toilets are porcelain bowls and Draino does not mix well with this material. Toilet water is constantly sitting and only drains when you flush, meaning the chemicals in Draino have a good opportunity to linger in the water. Overtime this chemical will heat up, causing cracks and damage that will leave you with no choice but to replace your toilet bowl.

Porcelain isn’t the only material concerning your plumbing that Draino can destroy; this chemical is corrosive and will damage your pipes (PCV or plastic). An argument could be made that if Draino passes through your pipes quickly damage will not occur, but as it’s being dumped into your drain to unclog a blockage chances of it passing through fast enough isn’t likely. Metal pipes aren’t safe either, they can corrode quickly as well – it all spells out pipes being eaten through in the end which you will be forced to replace. From an esthetic point of view, this product has also been known to damage the finishing on sinks and tubs as well.

Non Chemical Solutions

There are several home remedies to use on drains if you want to try and fix it yourself such as a plunger or a toilet auger (otherwise known as a snake!). Neither of these items present the most pleasant of household chores, but they are effective and will not damage your toilet or your pipes.

If you have tried and can’t unclog your drain, visit our website at, and we will promptly be by to give you a hand!

To discover more on the full range of services offered by our Barrhaven-based John the Plumber, please call our offices today at 613-454-5585 or visit our business website at

TIP: If you dump one part baking soda then follow with two parts vinegar down your drain, you will cause a reaction that may well break apart your blockage without using any chemicals. Chase this mixture with some boiling water and see what happens!