Hamiltonhamilton home plumbing

Hamilton Home Plumbing

The Basics

Larger plumbing issues should be left to the professionals however, there are a few things everyone should know how to look after themselves. The good folks at John the plumber Hamilton believe all residential homeowners should be aware about certain Hamilton home plumbing basics and felt we would share; knowledge such as this will enable you to react quickly and in many cases save you time and money.

Your Water Supply

It is critical that all homeowners know where their main water supply is. Upon purchasing a new home one of the first things you should do is go to the basement, find out where your water meter is located and take a look at the shut off valves. There are times where you may need to shut your water off in an emergency and not knowing where to shut it off can cost you a lot. Most main water meters are located in the basement of your home, on the side closest to the city street. Even if you are only house-sitting for a few days it’s a good idea to know the location of the water meter just in case.

Your Shut Off Valves & Drain Pipes

Beyond your main water supply, the majority of homes will have shut off valves installed in certain locations such as at the base of your toilet and underneath your sinks (you may have to open your bathroom cupboards to see them). Every so often make a point of looking at these valves and make sure they are working properly and not leaking and/or corroded. Make sure while you are making your rounds that you don’t forget about the outdoors; knowing where the valve is inside your home that leads to the outdoor water supply is critical – if they are not shut down and drained prior to the arrival of winter you run the risk of ice building up and cracking your pipes. It is also worthwhile to know a little bit about the drain pipes in your home, the locations of your cleanouts and how they basically work.

Your Water Bill & Your Sump Pump

Did you know that a toilet running can triple your water bill in one short month? Knowing the average water bill for the size of your home and its occupants is a good idea. Learning that it is higher than the average home in your Hamilton neighborhood may be an indicator that you have a leak somewhere.

If you have a sump pump, you should have a clear understanding of what their primary function is and how they should operate at optimum levels. Nobody thinks about their sump pump until it isn’t working. Knowing whether they are functioning below average or not could prevent a disastrous problem in your home (which can prove to be quite costly).

To discover more on the full range of Services offered by our Hamilton-based John the Plumber, please call our offices today at 905-645-0467 or visit our business website at johntheplumber.ca/hamilton

TIP: Though not plumbing issues, we also want to point out you should also know where your gas supply is located in your home, and how to shut it off In case of an emergency. Find your fire alarms as well – safety first Hamilton!