Kanata Plumbing Experts

When turning on the shower, nobody likes to find out that there is no hot water left. A lack of hot water can be attributed to a number of different factors. For example, if the water never heats up, this could simply mean that the water heater hasn’t been working long enough and needs a little time to warm up again. However, if the water turns cold unexpectedly, then your shower’s plumbing could be at fault. Kanata plumbing experts from John the Plumber have been serving homeowners for over 15 years and have seen anything that can go wrong with a household’s plumbing. That is why they are qualified to repair any issue that you may be having with your shower’s hot water.

The 3 Most Common Culprits

  1. The Water Heater

If you have noticed that your hot water doesn’t last when you shower, it is important to perform a preliminary search on all of the fixtures within your home to identify if the problem is an isolated one or a common occurrence throughout the whole house. If there is no hot water anywhere, this means that the problem is the hot water heater. Depending on what the situation, you may just have to wait for the water to warm up. If it doesn’t, the issue may be more serious and require the services of a professional.

  1. Your Bathroom Pipes

If, on the other hand, the problem is limited to the bathroom,it is likely that the fluctuating water change is corroded the piping. Since copper pipes are unlikely to corrode on the inside, it is unlikely for newly built homes to encounter this issue. However, older homes whose pipes have been built from galvanized steel may be susceptible to corrosion.

  1. Shower Valve Parts

Hot shower water can often cause the rubber parts in valves to expand, and as a result, break off. If these parts fall into the wrong place, they can obstruct hot water from circulating in your bathroom.

Do You Need A Plumber in Kanata?

When there is something wrong with your plumbing, whether it is a clog or a lack of hot water, it is important to use to services of a professional company. Kanata plumbing experts from John the Plumber have over 10 years of experience in the industry and know how to repair any issue that you may be having.

John The Plumber Kanata is your local drain cleaning, plumbing, and HVAC experts. We’re ready to serve you with world class service!


77 Sunnybrooke Drive,

K2M 2P2

