Hamilton Pipe Freezing Realities

The Hamilton Region is known for extreme temperatures, and if you have lived through even one winter you probably have experienced a pipe freezing in your home or know of someone who has. Water expands as it freezes. If given the chance it has the potential to expand as much as 10%, and can cause one or multiple pipes to burst. Beyond the expense, it can be a most unpleasant experience while in the middle of a deep freeze. John the Plumber Hamilton is committed to helping keep your pipes protected, and offers the following on insulation options and other tips to completely avoid water freezing.

Insulation, Heating Cables and Insulated Pipes:

Keeping your home warmer where the pipes are located such as your basement, garage and near outdoor taps is a very good idea, and can be done by installing extra insulation in these areas. Given how drastically the temperatures can plummet, Hamilton home owners may also want to consider installing electric heating cables. Placing these cables near your crawlspace pipes will keep the pipes from freezing. Something else you can do is install insulation on the individual pipes; encapsulating each pipe will provide extra protection from bitter temperatures.

Keeping Things WARM and Turning Things OFF:

For the most part, your plumbing is tucked away in places where you cannot see it, and places like underneath your kitchen and bathroom counters are not warm areas. A simple trick is to open the doors of these cupboards and let the heat from your home circulate in there. Remember to consider areas of your home/faucets you don’t use much in the winter that contains plumbing so heat gets into all of those spots.

If you leave for vacation, it’s always good practice to turn off the main water supply while you’re away to prevent any damage from occurring while you are away. Before the frost hits, make sure you have disconnected the outside hoses from the outside faucets inside your home to avoid damage.

TIP: For more information on disconnecting your outdoor hoses and shutting off outdoor valves, please visit John’s Blog “Summer Shut Down Checklist”.To discover more on the full range of Services offered by our Hamilton-based John the Plumber, please call our offices today at 905-645-0467 or visit our business website at johntheplumber.ca/hamilton

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