HamiltonSpring Checklist

Spring is Coming

The weather has turned warmer, people seem a bit cheerier, and winter parkas and Sorels are being replaced with gumboots and raincoats. Spring is finally on it’s way in Hamilton!

Your Spring Checklist

But what does that mean for your plumbing? Winter can be harsh on your plumbing, and there are a few things a homeowner can do to ensure that their plumbing is looking good and ready for the big thaw.

Cold Weather Can be a Drain

Cold weather and ice on a big problem in Hamilton. Cold temperatures can be really damaging to your pipes and when ice builds up the water expands, causing pressure inside a very small area. Those pipes can then split or crack, but you won’t know until spring comes and the weather warms up. We always recommend doing a full visual inspection of your entire property inside out and upside. Take a look to see if any of your pipes are being obstructed, having snow buildup or even from debris from the fall. Roof drains, sump pump discharge lines and pipes leading out to your outdoor taps are ones that we recommend to check first.

A Sump Pump Can Be Your Best Friend

Of course, your sump pump is going to be your best friend during the Spring thaw in Hamilton. Basement flooding is extremely common and we do get a lot of phone calls for it. testing your sump pump to make sure it is in perfect working order before the snow starts to melt it’s an excellent idea, and keep an eye on it over the next few weeks as well.

Run Your Taps

Running all your taps and making sure the pressure in the temperature is the same for the house is also a good idea. If you have a pipe that is on a exterior wall with insulation that is not up to par, it can cause I split. You’ll notice by having a smaller stream of water or even no water and you’ll be quick to be able to identify the source.

Having a licensed plumber in Hamilton come in to flush your hot water tank once a year is also good idea. This removes any sediment and debris build-up in the bottom and prolong the longevity of your hot water tank.

John the Plumber Hamilton is always available to assist you with your Spring checklist!

To discover more on the full range of Services offered by our Hamilton-based John the Plumber, please call our offices today at 905-645-0467 or visit our business website at johntheplumber.ca/hamilton

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