Thermostatic Mixing Valves Will Get You MORE!
Hello Kanata, John THE Plumber here! Our Company is wondering if you’re one of those homes that feel as though you keep running out of water, but aren’t interested/able to invest in a bigger water tank? We’re asking as in our travels we are told of this problem quite often, which leads us to believe many homeowners have never heard of “Thermostatic Mixing Valves”.
It’s simple: you just connect the valve to your and hot and cold water lines right above the hot water tank. Then set your desired water temperature and then the valve will mix both so it supplies that exact degree of water.
Here’s an example for you:
If your hot water tank is set to 160 degrees and your mixing value is set to 120 degrees, then the valve will mix your cold and hot water until it reaches 120 degrees. Once it has done so, water is then released through your taps and showerheads.
These valves are the answer to many hot water supply issues. They are fairly inexpensive, can be easily mounted to the majority of hot water systems.