Winter Plumbing Tips for Oshawa
Here are some Winter Plumbing Tips from John The Plumber Oshawa. Things you can do to save your home from winter damage and costly repairs.
Here are some Winter Plumbing Tips from John The Plumber Oshawa. Things you can do to save your home from winter damage and costly repairs.
Water leaking from the base of your toilet is never a good thing and should definitely not be left alone. This small little mess can soon become a very large problem if not rectified immediately. Water pooling around the toilet base generally means that the water is probably not very sanitary and should not be outside of the toilet itself.
It’s time for a new hot water tank? This is something that tends to worry many homeowners; hot water tanks are a large expense and they often come at inopportune times. If you know that your hot water tank is quite old, say over 12 years, it may be a good time to think about swapping it out for a new one.
There’s one job that we do a lot of John the Plumber Oshawa and that is unblock a clogged sink. It is one of the most common phone calls that our office gets and these little tips and tricks of what to avoid dumping down the sink or tub drain should be very helpful for you, the homeowner.
There are few things more frustrating than hopping into the shower first thing on a cold, winter Oshawa morning, and while you’re rinsing your hair, there is suddenly there is a drop in the water pressure.
Oh no!! Nothing worse than being in a bathroom that is not in the privacy of your own house, and having blocked the toilet. Every once in awhile, your toilet blocks; if it has not already happened to you, it will – this is just a fact of life.
Oh no!! Nothing worse than being in a bathroom that is not in the privacy of your own house, and having blocked the toilet. Every once in awhile, your toilet blocks; if it has not already happened to you, it will – this is just a fact of life.
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