Mississauga Plumbing Blog

Dealing with a plumbing issue or clogged drain? Before you call your favourite Mississauga drain cleaning company, check out some of the resources below!

Some of our tips might save you from needing a local plumber, and save you some money!

Awful Smell

Mississauga Plumbers Tell You What That Awful Smell is

When your bathroom starts to emit some foul odors, you need to find a solution immediately before it gets even worse. The entire drainage system of your home is designed in such a way that all odors are blocked or eliminated before entering your home. However, sometimes, this system fails and your bathroom starts to stink. There could be several reasons behind this. If you figure out the root cause of the problem, you’ll be able to resolve it quickly. We at John The Plumber have put together this brief guide on the possible causes of bathroom odor.

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Best Pump

Best Pump For Rural Mississauga Residents

When you’re in Mississauga or a town, you won’t need to worry about finding your own water source. Most cities and towns have their own water system and supply water directly to your home. However, if you live in a remote area or on a slightly isolated property, you need to draw water from a well and direct it towards your home. For this, you will need a well. At John The Plumber, we’ve put together a small guide on buying the right pumps that will help you out.

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