Toilet Install & Replacement Services Kingston
As I’m sure you can guess, plumbing companies see thousands of different toilet scenarios throughout their history and our Company here in Kingston is no different! It’s never a welcome or exciting thing to spend ones hard earned money on, but time and again it must be done. In order to determine if that time has come we have listed a few points below for you to observe in your home. If you are able to identify with one or more of these points, it may have ran out of flushes if you will and it’s time to replace your toilet.
Is It Time To Replace Your Toilet?
A weak flush won’t do the job and can end up being costly if ignored!Do NOT ignore a toilet that continually backs up – NOT normal!If you can see cracks, mildew can grow in them – NOT healthy!This should never be happening – if it is it’s time to replace your toilet for a sturdier one!
Don’t Ignore The Signs
These may not seem like valid enough reasons to spend your cash on a new toilet but here’s the thing… If you don’t, you’re more than likely going to have to spend more as time goes on. When your toilet isn’t functioning at an optimum level, then your water is also not being managed properly. If you haven’t experienced drips and leaks already, you definitely will. Unnecessary water drips total to quite an amount on a water bill, not to mention the damage from water and the health hazards it can bring with it.
Installing a Toilet Yourself…
Installing a toilet without professional aid is more than doable, you just need to know what you are doing is all. You also will need a stronger friend to help; toilets are heavy and awkward so you will need some extra muscle to remove the old one and carry in the new one. Beyond possibly injuring yourself, the instalment issue is that you can and will cost yourself more money in the end should you miss a step or are unaware of a step you needed to take. Be certain you are informed!
More Than Just Toilets
John THE Plumber Kingston has installed toilets of all different makes and sizes. We have provided this service for straight replacement but we’ve also done it for home renovations. We have even reviewed people’s potential plans to move the placement of the toilet in their current washroom and blueprints for new builds as well.
If you have a plumbing job, big or small, John The Plumber does it all!
Your Local Plumbers When You Need Us The Most!
Near and far, John The Plumber and his team of licensed Kingston plumbers will travel to help customers with all residential plumbing services.
Kingston • Queens Acres • Hillview • Glenvale • Sharpton • Murvale • Elginburg • Kingston Mills • Shannons Corner • Mount Chesney • Eastview • Pitts Ferry • Inverary • Sunbury • Woodburn • Gananoque and BEYOND!
Looking For a Plumber in Your Neighbourhood? We have:
Plumbers in Kingston West • Plumbers in Kingston East • Plumbers in Kingston South
Not in Kingston? We also have:
Plumbers in Brockville • Plumbers in Merrickville • Plumbers in Ottawa
Call John The Plumber For All Your Plumbing Needs!
If you have a toilet that you feel has met the checklist for replacement, have an installation project in progress or a new build coming up, give us a call at John THE Plumber Kingston and we will send one of our qualified Kingston plumbers to your home to provide advice and/or handle your toilet situation. And remember plumbers don’t just fix toilets; we are over 15 years in the business and are able to handle all of your plumbing needs quickly and efficiently.
You can use the contact form or choose from one of the buttons below to get in touch with us!