Clogged Toilet Services Kingston
John THE Plumber here talkin’ a little toilet. Has yours been acting up? Maybe konked right out on you? It’s no surprise we have seen a surge in these calls as of recent late. With everyone home these days 24/7 toilets in the home are being used constantly more than ever. Your toilet could be old and simply ready to be replaced, but there’s also a very good chance you have a blockage of some sort that requires attention.
Our Kingston plumbers are always happy to share knowledge when we can in the hopes of you saving a few bucks, so below we have listed two tried and true home methods you can try and DIY De-Clog your Toilet yourself.
DIY De-Clog Toilet Methods
DIY De-Clog Method One: Build & Use One Time Snake
- Take an old metal coat hanger and straighten it out into one long stick
- Take an old rag/t-shirt and wrap it tightly around one end, cover a good six inches of the rod
- Use the covered end and slip it into your toilet, into the clog and dig around
- Manually remove everything you can with your snake and put into the garbage
- Chase away anything loose that is remaining with a kettle of boiling water, then flush!
NOTE: You will require rubber gloves to do this job as it will get messy, and take care that the wire is well covered on one end with your cloth; you don’t want to scratch your bowl in the process!
DIY De-Clog Method Two: The Natural “Volcano” Method
- Retrieve baking soda and vinegar from your pantry
- Use one cup of baking soda and dump into toilet on top of the clog
- Use the vinegar; slosh a healthy amount all over the baking soda
- “Volcano” will erupt; wait fifteen minutes for it to do its thing
- Boil a kettle of water and dump down toilet after fifteen minutes is up
- Wait five more minutes – then flush!
Say NO to Liquid Draino
While we are talking about DIY de-clog methods, we are hoping to steer you away from the fastest and easiest way people hear of to rid themselves of a toilet clog: Liquid Draino.
To answer you completely, yes it is powerful and it most likely will tear apart most clogs within your toilet.
The issue is that its chemicals are so powerful that they can also eat away at your pipes and porcelain.
The short term gain is NOT worth the long term consequences –we advise against using this product.
If you have tried both of these methods without any success, and you’re now eyeballing the Draino in your local hardware store, it’s time to give us a call. DIY methods are great, but there comes a time when a blockage is big enough it requires a professional Kingston plumber to handle the situation. Give us a call today and John THE Plumber Kingston and we will happily send one of our licensed plumbers to come and clear out whatever if calling your blockage.
Toilets Are Great Until They’re Blocked And Messy – We Can Help!
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