OrleansHow to Shut Off Your Main Water Valve in an Emergency

How to Shut Off Your Main Water Valve in an Emergency

Knowing how to shut off your main water valve can save you thousands in an emergency. You might have water pouring through your ceiling.  Perhaps through a light fixture.  Or maybe your basement is flooding. Shutting off your main water line until you discover the source of the leak, should always be your first step.

So how do you shut off your main water line?

Fortunately it’s not all that difficult.  Our Orleans plumbers say that locating your water meter is the first step.  Typically, a water meter will be located on the street side of your house, in your basement.

In the image above, you can see a blue coloured valve handle.  It could be red, yellow, green, or a rusted metal colour.  The colour of the handle doesn’t matter really, it just shows that a different manufacturer made that particular valve.

To shut off the meter, just turn the handle clockwise.  You should see all of the needles and readings on your meter stop moving.  It is now time to fix whatever caused your flood, with the peace of mind that it’s not continuing to build up.

To discover more on the full range of services offered by our Orleans-based John the Plumber, please call our offices today at 613-458-5006 or visit our business website at johntheplumber.ca/orleans

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