Smart Home Plumbing

Futuristic Smart Plumbing Technology To Protect Your Home and Prevent Waste

Futuristic Smart Home Plumbing Technology To Protect Your Home and Prevent Waste Learn What The Future Has In Store For Plumbing Protection and Waste Prevention First, there were buckets. Next, there were wells. Before long, there were clay pipes, lead pipes, and hollowed-out trees. Thousands of years later, in 1592, the first flushing toilet was…

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Winterize Your Outdoor Faucet

Friendly Reminder To Winterize Your Outdoor Faucet!

Friendly Reminder To Winterize Your Outdoor Faucet! Hey gang, Tis the season of cold weather and frozen pipes! If you want to avoid an expensive mess, you’d best winterize your plumbing! Outdoor Faucets If you have an outdoor faucet, it’s important to winterize them! Otherwise, they may freeze, break, or even burst your pipes! If…

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hydro jetting vs snaking orleans

Hydro Jetting vs Snaking

Nothing disrupts your household or business like a clogged drain. Sometimes a plunger just isn’t going to get the job done; your blockage is strong enough that you require something more forceful to eliminate your issue. Today we are blogging on the options currently available in this type of situation that you can choose.

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what is a mixing valve

Orleans: What Is A Mixing Valve?

Do you know the mechanics within your plumbing system that ensures you don’t scald yourself every time you turn on the hot water faucet? What we are speaking of it a device called a “mixing valve”, and it’s exactly what it sounds like: a plumbing device that controls the mix of cold and hot water to provide comfortable temperatures.

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Our Orléans Sump Pump Service Area

We’re ready, we’re available, and we’re happy to service:

Convent Glen • Chapel Hill • Orleans South West • Queenswood Village • Queenswood Heights • Chatelaine Village • Fallingbrook • Cardinal Creek • Springridge • Chapel Hill South • Summerside • Avalon • Hiawatha Park • Notting Gate • Bilberry Creek • Chaperal • Navan • Cumberland • Chateauneuf • Convent Glen

Not in Orleans? We have:

Plumbers in StittsvilleDowntown PlumbersBarrhaven PlumbersKanata PlumbersOttawa West PlumbersNepean Plumbers – and, more!

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