Burlington Blocked Sewer
Most blocked sewers can be repaired with a simple sewer snaking. Most often, it will push the blockage out to the bigger pipes, where it will get washed away. Other times the snake will attach itself to the blockage where we can pull it out.
Least often, sewer snaking doesn’t work. You will then need a sewer repair. Sewer repairs start in the basement of your home. All of the plumbing drains in your home run through your basement floor, then travel past your cleanout (usually located below your water meter), then under your front lawn, and out to the city sewer.
Our local plumbers will work with you every step of the way; not only will they fix your blocked sewer, but they will also take the time to go over the repair and even make suggestions on how to prevent it from happening again.
Burlington Sewer Repairs
To keep things simple, we have broken the sewer repair into two categories – inside repairs and outside repairs. Please remember these repairs are only necessary should the sewer snake not work.
Inside Sewer Repairs
The main plumbing drains to your home run underneath your basement floor. If the sewer drain is corroded, collapsed, cracked or sagging, it will need to be repaired.
This will require opening the basement floor and repairing the sewer main.
Burlington has many older homes, and we often see repairs needed due to old metal and cast iron pipes running underneath your floor.
This can be a big job and stressful for the homeowner. Even though this job can take a couple of days, you will only lose your drainage system for a few hours. Our licensed plumbers will work with you to ensure you still have access to taking a shower and getting the dishes done.
If opening your basement floor is necessary, we will call in a professional concrete and coring company to ensure the job gets done right. Once the repair is complete, we will reinstate your concrete floor.
Outside Sewer Repairs
If the problem with your sewer main is located outside your home, we may need to dig a trench in your front yard to locate the area that needs to be repaired. A mini excavator is used to dig a small trench so we can access the piping that needs to be replaced.
After the old piping has been exposed and removed, the new sewer pipe will need to be installed on tamped sand. Once installed, we then cover the pipe with more sand. After this, a clear stone will be piled on top before native soil is backfilled.
Once this is complete, usually within 2-3 days, all that’s left to do is throw down some lawn seed, and you are good to go!
John The Plumber has done many of these; our local plumbers come with experience!
Our plumbers will take the time and walk you through the job. At John The Plumber, we have some of the most skilled plumbers in the industry. We take pride in our work and treat every home as our own!
Why Choose John The Plumber for Blocked Sewer Repair?
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