MississaugaPlumbing Terms

Here at John the Plumber Mississauga we strive on being the best we can be at what we do. And what we do best is…plumbing! But, we do realize that it can be a little daunting when a licensed plumber comes into your home and starts telling you about what he sees as the issue. Though we do not want to admit it, it can be challenging to ask exactly what he is talking about! Now, most Mississauga homeowners can locate their hot water tank, main water meter and lift the lid off their toil… but have you ever wondered “what is this plumber talking about when he says he need to cut into my main stack?”, or “install a backwater valve or recommend a sump pump?” “What in the world is this shut off valve you speak of?” And “what on earth is a diverter?” “Do I need a mixing valve?” “What is it?”

So, without further ado, here is a little rundown of some popular plumbing terms…

Main stack: all the waste pipes in your home eventually tie into this bad boy; in most homes it is a big 4” black pipe that runs vertically down and is generally in your basement. If your basement is unfinished it is easy to find it.

Backwater valve: this one way valve allows sewage to flow out of your home but prevents any from entering, so it cannot “back flow” into your home. Also a must in high flood areas as they also prevent any outside water from coming in.

Sump Pump: An underwater pump that sits in a hole in your basement; It’s job is to remove any water that accumulates below the home, especially in area where the home is below the water table and is prone to flooding.

Mixing valve: This valve sits on top of your water heater and allows you to keep the temperature in the heater high enough to kill bacteria, but mixes it with cold water so when you turn on a hot water tap in your house you do not burn yourself.

Hose Bib: Simply put, this is the tap on the outside of your house you use to water your plants.

Diverter: That little thing you pull up out of the tub spout when you want to take a shower and not a bath? That is called the diverter.

We hope this helps!

To discover more on the full range of services offered by our Mississauga-based John the Plumber, please call our offices today at 289-430-5562 or visit our business website at johntheplumber.ca

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