Renovations and Plumbing
In-home renovations and plumbing are considered a job that you should think about hiring a reputable plumbing company to do.
All too often, at John The Plumber, we get customers calling us with all sorts of drainage and smell problems after they have finished their bathroom or kitchen renovation. Toilets that don’t sit well, drains that start leaking into ceilings below, measurements that were not accurate and fixtures that do not fit as planned can all be problematic. This is certainly not meant to criticize – this blog is meant to guide the homeowner to make sound decisions. Having a qualified, licensed professional may cost more in the beginning, but the peace of mind is well worth it, in our humble opinion.
Most of the time, if an unqualified person decides to put their plumbing hat on, the renovation will end up being a big waste of money. The reason for this is that 90% of your bathroom plumbing is located inside walls, or under your floor. Some of these walls will have tile on them, and most of these floor will already be finished. Repair to this kind of work become very costly very quickly. Fixing or altering what would have been an easy problem turns into a big job.
There are many areas of a renovation where you can save yourself some money. Plumbing is definitely not one of these areas. We get countless calls from homeowner and small contractors that begin a job, only to find that half way through they are lacking in the knowledge and tools to move ahead with it. Our Mississauga Plumbers say that 50% of their work comes from people that tried to do their own plumbing. If nothing else, I hope this post will stop some of those calls. All it takes is one small leak after you’ve finished a well and all of a sudden you are faced with another demolition. Yikes!
Plumbing is more than just running drains and water lines. Our Mississauga plumbers say that venting is actually the most important part of your plumbing system. Without proper venting, your plumbing system will begin to block up on you over time. Imagine holding your thumb over a straw in a glass of soda; if your thumb is covering the end of the straw, you can pull it out, and all of the soda will stay inside of the straw. That is not how we want our drains to behave. The other problem with improper venting is that it can cause sewer gas to enter into your home. Sewer gas is not good for you health. It will stink up your home, but more importantly, it’s very bad for you. If you think you can smell sewer gas in your home, call our team of licensed and insured plumbers immediately to help you straighten this out.
Our fantastic plumbers here at John the Plumber Mississauga are highly skilled and excellent at what they do. Hours and hours of on the job training, a great education and thorough knowledge of plumbing restrictions and codes and the tools to do the job correctly. We also offer an unbeatable 2 year warranty.
The moral of this blog is that doing your own plumbing rough-ins can cost you far more than what you would save if you did it yourself. Nobody wants a brand new shiny bathroom that smells like a sewer, or needs a plunger every time you go to the bathroom. Give us a call today to have one of our plumbers come to your home, and discuss the plumbing for whatever renovation you may be doing.